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Product details
File Size: 8630 KB
Print Length: 752 pages
Publisher: Merriam-Webster; 6 edition (September 15, 2018)
Publication Date: September 15, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#56,612 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Just received the paperback. Did not realize it would be such a bad decision to get the paperback. The book is 6 3/4" x 4 1/8" and nearly 1 3/4" thick. The inside margin is only 1/8" which means you have to break the binding to read every page. There's no way this book is going to hold up. Getting the hardcover which is 6 3/4" x 9 1/2". Should eliminate the problem.
I grew up playing Scrabble and Upwords with my great aunts, and this was the Holy Grail - always out on the table during games and consulted often when I would try and get a word by them. If the word you played wasn't in the Scrabble dictionary, by heavens, it didn't count and no amount of arguing would help you.As I pass my love of playing board games onto my kids, I've noticed that I, too, insist upon deference to the Scrabble dictionary. My kids want to play words that I would argue are slang or abbreviations (E.g., "LOL, BTW, hot mess). This updated Scrabble dictionary takes the large generation gap into account and is updated to includes many of today's words, most of which I don't know (seriously, what is listicle??). I purchased the hard cover version based on the other reviews here, and thankfully, we did not have the printing errors that others mentioned.Another unintended benefit of using the Scrabble dictionary is having my kids look up the word in dispute - to this generation of 8 year olds - an actual dictionary is as arcane as a phone book, both of which caused great excitement when they showed up at the house.I look forward to this updated Holy Grail to be the final arbiter of our family Banagram and Scrabble disputes - in fact, I have already consulted it and told my daughters that "LOL" isn't a recognized "word" in the Scrabble dictionary, and therefore, doesn't count, ending such squabbles with a parental equivalent of a mic drop (also not a recognized word).
Excited to recieve my book as I play scrabble with an 90 year old resident. However after looking through book i noticed that the pages starting with m through p are not put together in numarical order. It starts the ms then goes to p then the rest of ms then rest of ps...kind of bummed
We received the jacketed hardcover just a few minutes ago and upon examining the book we noted that the contents was upside down and reversed from the outside cover. We have not seen that before. As far as we know that is the only issue. Too bad that we spent $25.95 for it. For now we just reversed the jacket just a shame that the printers got this thing messed up. Anyone else had that issue.?
My mom (who is 86) and I are avid Scrabble players. When I got my book, the first word I looked up was "zen" and it was in there! was "vape." I also like the sections in the back that list the words with q not followed by u, and 2- to 7- letter words with no AEIOU vowels; however, the latter would have been more helpful (and succinct) with no AEIOUY letters. I hope someone prints a list of just the new words (about 6,500) so we can familiarize ourselves with those, regardless of how "ridic" they are. I remember when we discovered XI and QI - it did a world of good to our score.
Presumably the primary purpose of this dictionary is to determine the validity of specific words. In the previous edition, you simply entered the word in the search bar and it returned either the word entry or a "no result" response. The new search function shows every instance of the letter combination without regard to whether it is a word or not. For example, the entry "ce" (not a word) results in more than 1,000 hits, with entries such as "reproduced" "preface" and "abduce." This is essentially useless if your purpose is to check on the validity of a word.
Missing the word “duringâ€
Got the hardcover after reading reviews - It is a well made book but not too heavy. It would be impossible to learn it all unless you have a lot better memory than I have. I have decided on a plan to get the most out of it. I have ordered highlighters in all the different colors in order to organize the words and hopefully learn a few in the process. My current plan is to highlight all the two letter words in one color, all the three letter words in a different color, the high scoring words that are likely to get used in a different color. Hopefully, it will be like making a cheat sheet so I learn something in the process. Also in the process, I hope to notice useful new words that I’m not familiar with but highlighting them would mean highlighting the whole book. I will have to come up with a method of deciding if a new word is worth remembering to maybe just be used for Scrabble.