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Sport Physiology for Coaches
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About the Author
Brian J. Sharkey brings nearly 40 years of experience as a leading fitness researcher, educator, author, and consultant to Sport Physiology for Coaches. Sharkey served as director of the University of Montana's Human Performance Laboratory for many years and remains associated with the university and lab as professor emeritus. Through the university, Sharkey continues to do research on ultra-endurance athletes known as wildland firefighters. He is also a consultant with the U.S. Forest Service in the areas of fitness, health, and work capacity.Sharkey is past president of the American College of Sports Medicine and served on the NCAA committee on competitive safeguards and medical aspects of sports, where he chaired the Sports Science and Safety subcommittee, which uses research and data on injury to improve the safety of intercollegiate athletes. He also coordinated the US Ski Team Nordic Sportsmedicine Council.He received the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Superior Service Award in 1977 and its Distinguished Service Award in 1993 for his contributions to the health, safety, and performance of firefighters. Sharkey has written numerous books, many published by Human Kinetics, including Coaches Guide to Sport Physiology and Fitness and Health.In his leisure time, Sharkey enjoys cross-country skiing, mountain biking, running, hiking, and canoeing. He lives in Missoula, Montana.Steven Gaskill is in the department of health and human performance at the University of Montana. Gaskill worked for the U.S. ski team for 10 years—as head coach of the Nordic combined (ski jumping and cross-country skiing) and cross-country teams and as director of the coaches' educational programs. He has coached at three Olympic Games, and 20 skiers who have trained under him have competed in the Olympics. In 1992, the U.S. Ski Association named him the U.S. Cross-Country Coach of the Year.Gaskill was the founder and first director of Team Birke Ski Education Foundation, which is dedicated to the development of excellence in cross-country ski programs for skiers of all ages. He is author of Fitness Cross-Country Skiing, published by Human Kinetics, and has published more than 200 articles and produced six instructional videotapes on cross-country skiing. He has presented his extensive research findings on training for cross-country skiing to the American College of Sports Medicine and has written a major article for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.Gaskill lives in Burnsville, Minnesota, with his wife, Kathy. His favorite leisure activities are cross-country skiing, hiking, and mountaineering.The authors met in 1980 when Gaskill was coach and Sharkey was sport physiologist for the U.S. ski team. Eventually they went their separate directions, but in 1998, Gaskill applied for a position at the University of Montana, where Sharkey was retiring after 30 years. Since then they have renewed their association, conducting research and development activities in the Human Performance Laboratory and in the field.
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Product details
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Human Kinetics; 1 edition (January 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736051724
ISBN-13: 978-0736051729
Product Dimensions:
8.2 x 0.8 x 10.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#785,305 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is not a book you read straight through. For a coach, which I am (track), I picked at the chapters. Lots of great information that echoed what I learned in my Level 1 USATF Certification course. However, I felt for a book that had a sprinter on the cover (I'm going with sprinter and not long distance runner) I felt there was very little in the model periodization chapter on track. Lots on other sports laid out in full seasons but nothing for the sport that I bought it for.The book does a good job with all the information and I had no doubt that this was breaking information in the field but it reads a rather clinical and dry way. As a writer, I don't understand why writing these books can't have more sense of play. Otherwise it makes a great sleep aid.My overall take, get this book if you're a coach and just learning about physiology, training and training systems.
Good treatise on physical training with just enough anatomy and biology to help understand the development of bio-mechanics in athletes.
Very good book to read if you are into sports or you are going to become an instructor. I recommend you read it.
Needed for a class but kept it for coaching. Good book.
This is a great reference book. Great descriptions and great pictures. I really enjoy this book. I would highly recommend it.
This is a great book that came in very handy for my class. In great shape as well, would absolutely buy again.
This is a great book to teach you how to train properly. Whether you're training yourself or a group or a team.
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