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Product details
File Size: 1027 KB
Print Length: 242 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: WingSpan Press (March 28, 2011)
Publication Date: March 28, 2011
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B004UC6E22
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#155,252 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I received this book on Friday and began reading it on Saturday. It is easy to read and understand. The book provides much more guidance than promised and though I could have read through this in 3 days, I find myself comparing what I have already written to the objectives in this book, which slows me down. That is a major plus! I have close to 50 books on writing screenplays and none of them come close to the level of expertise that is found in this book. That may be due to the fact that the author teaches the subject, reads screenplays that others write and has been asked by Producers to rewrite screenplays that don't measure up. That last item is major praise. If Producers trust this author to redo a screenplay so that it meets their needs, then this person knows what they are doing. I have found that my writing is improving as I use the book as a guide. If you buy just one more book THIS is the one!
If I were stranded on a desert island with a typewriter and paper, this is the book I'd want to help me in my writing. This book is for screenwriting, but I found most of it applied to writing novels as well.Iglesias takes the challenge of making you a better writer head on. He starts out with that promise and delivers. His intent is to help you write scene by scene, paragraph by paragraph in such a way that no one could set your book down. He shows you how to ensure the reader cares about your characters and feels the character's emotions. He also points out how to make sure the reader has a takeaway that will make them talk about your story to other people.He shows how to build tension, write snappy dialog, and deliver emotional scenes. He does this by examining movies like case studies, and does it in a way that really hooks you. There are other books that examine movie plots and dialog, but this book is an order of magnitude better than the rest.This is the most influential book on writing I can think of. I re-wrote my manuscript after reading this book. If you get mired down in chapter one, skip it, but this book is a must read.For any writer out there, I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK ABOVE ALL OTHERS on the subject of writing.Do I know the Author? No. Did I get the book for free? No. Is this an impartial review? Yes. This book will full on make you a better writer, and I look forward to world filled with more intriguing, engrossing books!
I'm only a quarter my way through this, yet it already feels like I've gotten the information of 5 writing books. It's so condensed, with so many amazing points that are not bogged down with fluff. I only wish I hadn't bought the Kindle version, because I want to annotate the physical book and re-read/refer to it many times. I think I'll have to get a hard copy! Can't recommend enough!
As an aspiring novelist I have a decent library of books on the craft, and most of them are helpful in a tangential sort of way. They are more like attending a motivational speech: they give you a rush of inspiration and positive energy, but a week later it's gone.I'd resorted to a DIY approach to building stories and characters. I would collect my favorite TV shows, movies, and novels, and try to figure out what made certain stories or characters compelling. I made lists and it was the most helpful thing I'd done for my writing, but it was like a child trying to figure out the universe by studying the stars: fumbling and incomplete.Writing for Emotional Impact is the map of the universe. It's a comprehensive, practical, uninhibited manual on how to make your characters and stories hit home in the real world. If this book can't help you write a good story, nothing can. It's geared towards screenwriting, but also excellent for the novelists among us.
My editor assigned me this book when my first and second drafts were flat. Using some of these tips dramatically improved drafts 3 and 4, and isn't that the true measure of a how-to book on writing?
I don't do a lots of reviews, but this is hands down the best book for anyone looking to become a screen writer. I love this book. It is so detailed in its instructions. The information here could take a person years to learn. And it's all good stuff, the hows; the whys and the when's. It is a beautiful guide to becoming a successful screen play writer. Anyone investing in this book will not be disappointed. Best of blessings to you all and good writing.
Hello, fellow writers. I want to recommend this excellent book to you, as someone who has read countless writing how-to books. Even though this is technically written for screenplay writers, all of the advice is easily transferred to novel-writing. Karl Iglesias gives very helpful advice and shows many examples of how to evoke different emotional responses in your readers. This isn't one of those maddening "let the muse flow through you" philosophic writing tomes, - there are ACTUAL TECHNIQUES that can be applied to your novel in a practical way. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars, is because the author does tend to repeat himself, which annoyed me slightly. However, It certainly doesn't get in the way of the knowledge you will gain by reading this book.
Our job is to seduce the reader, keep him hanging and longing for more, and then reward him beyond expectation. Our biggest promise to him when we create a story, is that it will be an unforgettable and unmitigated experience. Only when we accomplish that, are we accomplished as writers."Writing For Emotional Impact" is bristling with incredibly useful and superbly explained advice, that will change the way you see the impact great fiction has on readers. It's almost as if Karl Iglesias reveals how some of the greatest magic tricks work -- and once you realize how it's done, and with a bit of practice, you can achieve mastery of emotional impact that feels like magic.An absolute must read for screenwriters and novelists alike!
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