Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Download PDF , by Cathy Glass

Download PDF , by Cathy Glass

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, by Cathy Glass

, by Cathy Glass

, by Cathy Glass

Download PDF , by Cathy Glass

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, by Cathy Glass

Product details

File Size: 11551 KB

Print Length: 385 pages

Publisher: HarperElement (July 8, 2010)

Publication Date: July 8, 2010

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0007267444

ISBN-13: 978-0007267446




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#118,430 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Cathy Glass spins another heart-wrenching tale in "I Miss Mummy." Torn from her grandparents' arms after they allowed their granddaughter to visit with her drug addicted mother, authorities place the child with Cathy. I've read a number of Ms. Glass' books and this one got to me more than some of the others. A child who was clearly loved and cherished taken from those who love her, then thrown into a very confusing system, is the victim here. To think that someone in government bureaucracy has the authority to decide that grandparents are too old to raise a child is maddening. Thankfully, this one had a good outcome. I hope the British system takes a clear look at their policies as in the U.S., grandparents are raising grandchildren all the time. I thought this one meandered a bit too much and some parts could have been left out, but overall, another winner from Cathy Glass.

A sweet, obviously well cared-for little girl winds up in protective care as an emergency. The child's mother is reported to have a drug problem and the maternal grandparents are ruled out because they will be 70 by the time the child nears adulthood. Her father and his wife are the default option. The true account is written by the English foster carer.This is the second or third book I have read by this author, so I obviously like her and recommend the book. Adapting to the never-ending demands of a system that seems at times designed for its own benefits, the fosterers and child struggle along. It is comforting to know that there are warm caring people, who are well trained to care for children in crisis--at least in the British Isles. It is less comforting to see the almost haphazard way social workers follow cases.

I don't often think of what happens to children who get lost in our social services system--because they are lost and I am not.This is a terrifying story of what can happen to a family despite the efforts of all too few sensible and good hearted carers lost in a sea of paper and statistics. Although I could not call this a happy ending, this child fared better than most. I have great admiration for the author. She is a foster mother writing stories from her care notes of many years. I bought several books, which offer a very fair and even discussion of her view of the social services and family care systems of our country--its flaws and benefits. I do not know how this mother can keep so much love in her heart while daily confronted by both cruelty and indifference. I like to see this story, and others, as a call to reform in education and laws. I think that it is intended rather as a call to hope, the power of love, and a renewal of human kindness within us all.

This is an English author who is a care giver in the foster system of England. This is a true story about "Alice" who has a mentally ill mother and has gone to live with her grandparents. A Social Worker decides they are too old to care for Alice. They discover a dad and girlfriend who have not been in Alice's lives at all and decide after a time of visitations with supervision that Alice can be sent to live with them. In the meantime she is in foster care. The book shows the dedication and flaws in the system and how a child can get lost having bad results on the child's life. You will want to see what happens to Alice. The author has written several books about cases she has had in the past.

This is the 4th book that I've read written by Cathy Glass and yet I think this is the best book by far in terms of "suspense". The arrangements of the story have twists after twists to one point I felt that I couldn't handle it. Cathy Glass is able to deliver the story and make the readers feel for the main character in the story, even she is a little girl. The one thing I don't like about this book is other miscellaneous stuff it has toward the end, I had to skip about 10% of the final story. Overall, it's a good read and I'd recommend it to other readers.

This is a very well written story of a traumatized child of a dysfunctional mother. However, Alice is resilient and after being placed in a loving foster home, she begins to heal. This story rings true and fortunately, ends well, even with the initial challenge of the loss of all that she had held dear. I loved it and could sympathize totally with all the characters in this story based on true events.

I gave this book a 5 star rating because, it was a well written storyline. Cathy knew early on that Alice should not be in social service care and her case workers came to realize that too. I fell in love with Alice myself. This is a case where Social Services failed Alice and her family in so many ways. Thankfully it worked out well in the end with Alice being placed back with her family. I love happy endings. I would recommend this book!!

Once you started to read this book it was very hard to put it down. Some of the things that happened to her was unbelievable. The reason she was taken from her mother and grandparents should have never happened. It was only because of the father's lies. She had to live in foster care for a year. You never realize that this happened. Social workers are not always right. They were the reason everything happened. Don' always trust the system to work for you.

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